7 Ways to Increase Office Productivity
Whether your work from Home Office or work in a Job

Tested workspace tips that you can implement Today

Whether you are self-employed or a business owner managing other people, you know that profits are directly related to the productivity that can be accomplished. It isn’t about getting others or yourself to work more hours, it is about making those hours count. If you are paying your people by the hour, it makes sense to help them to be the most productive as this costs you less and makes them happier because they won’t have to work late into the evening to get their work done. There are a number of things that you can do to increase productivity.

  • Unclutter Workspaces.

    It is a proven fact that productivity suffers when there is clutter distracting your staff. We’ve all heard the person that says they work best when everything is a mess, but that is more excuse making than founded in reality. Organization makes everyone more efficient. One way to accomplish a more streamlined workspace is to use a cord management system to keep cords confined and looking more professional.

  • Quiet Environment.

    Studies also show that most professions work best in a quiet environment. That is not to say that you can’t have some music playing as that can often speed up the work to match the tempo, but if it is too pronounced, it may have people stopping to listen, rather than working. Take some time to investigate just what kinds of noises are occurring (closing doors, fans, dripping taps) and determine if any of them can be reduced or eliminated. For example, cleaning should be done after hours so that vacuums and cleaning personnel are not distracting your staff. The same is true if you plan remodeling or other occasional noisy activities.

  • Limit Distractions.

    Encourage your staff to reduce distractions as much as possible, especially during crunch times when there is a looming deadline. For example, if your people have offices rather than cubicles, get them Do Not Disturb door hangers they can put on the door handle to signify that they need to be left alone. It is also a good idea to encourage your staff to email each other with questions that are not urgent so that disruptions at the wrong time can be minimized.

  • Encourage Planning.

    Productivity is always improved when there is a clear plan in place for the day, week, month and year. Using planning tools such as a cork and whiteboard planner is an excellent way to do this. A common method is to have a three part white/cork board where one section is for the overall dream to be accomplished, or in a work environment the ultimate achievement expected, one section for the period’s goals, and a third section for planning out the tasks necessary to achieve the goals and the dream. It is always easiest to stay on task when there is a plan in place to encourage you along the way.

  • Keep Everyone Healthy.

    One of the biggest hits an office can face is when everyone starts getting sick. You should take steps to keep your office as germ-free as possible and encourage your staff to lead a healthy lifestyle. For example, if you have people that would like to use a standing desk, provide it for them along with a standing desk mat to reduce fatigue. When you have quality staff, you want them to be around for a very long time, so anything you can do to help them live a healthy life is beneficial to you as well. The entire process of helping them become the most productive is also helpful as it will reduce their stress levels when they can get their job done without extra hours and pressure.

  • Control Meetings.

    It is always tempting to set up lots of meetings with your staff, but if you really want them to be productive, you need to control the number, the duration, and the effectiveness of them. A good rule of thumb to tell if you are using meetings well is to gauge how enthusiastic your staff is when you call for a meeting. If they groan and protest, you may be falling short. Keep meetings succinct and disseminate important information only. Use memos and emails for general information.

  • Focus on Safety.

    If your staff does not feel safe, they cannot concentrate on their work and productivity will suffer. If you have security measures in place, they will feel comfortable. One idea is to make sure all windows and doors have a CCTV security sticker. Even if you do not actually have a surveillance system, these stickers will deter crime both during and after office hours. In addition, workers that believe there are surveillance cameras are less likely to slack off or even steal from you. This is also true of those that leave your employ as they are less likely to cause trouble even if they are disgruntled if they believe their actions will be recorded.

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Many of these methods for improving productivity are just as effective when working from home as they are when managing a staff. Removing distractions, staying healthy, creating a comfortable working environment, and having a plan in place are all ways to make sure that each hour of the day is as productive as possible. Nobody wants to work 80 hours a week when the work can be done effectively in just 40 hours or even less.

Even if you do like to work long hours, by taking these steps you can achieve a higher return on your time invested, and perhaps that 40 year work life can be trimmed to get you to retirement all that much faster. As many a life coach will tell you, “Work smart, not hard,” or as Byron Dorgan puts it, “Working hard and working smart sometimes can be two different things.”

Once you put your attention to increasing productivity, a whole new future can be laid out for you or your company. Not to mention that once you make it a priority to make every minute count, you can do the same in your personal life and live life to its fullest.

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